Front office job in Ireland
How do you land a Front Office job in Ireland? First of all, Ireland has a vast number of 3,4 & 5-star hotels. Moreover, they all have something in common. All of them need that positive, cheerful & informative person at their doors to wow the guest straightaway. Front office roles include receptionist, FO supervisors, managers, Reservation Agents and Guest Relations officers. Not all hotels have all the roles above. Often, the division of work will depend on the size of the hotel as well as it’s occupancy. But however, you want to name a role the job description is similar. All Front office staff is there to assist the guest. In other words, they are the first line of contact for guest which makes them so, so very important.
On the other hand, these jobs are not just important but also wanted. Whenever we do a recruitment fair, the number of applicants for Front office jobs in Ireland is among the highest. At the same time, the employers are looking for chefs, F&B and housekeeping staff primarily. There is a long queue even in Ireland for Front office jobs.
Right CV for the right hospitality job
So, how do you make your CV stand out?
First, take a look at various CV templates online and choose the one that best resonates with you. Moreover, keep in mind that recruiters spend a very limited amount of time reading a CV. Therefore, make sure your CV doesn’t go on for ages. Two pages should be more than enough. Nevertheless, if you feel you need to add more do but don’t go over three pages in length.
Second, make sure you put everything relevant in. For instance, you don’t copy-paste your duties and responsibilities but list different programs you have experience with.
Third, consider using hospitality recruitment agencies especially if you’re coming from abroad. Having a hotel & catering recruitment agency behind you sometimes makes all the difference. They can help put in a good word for you when the employer is wondering who to hire. Likewise, they can prepare you for an interview and give you that edge you’ve been missing. Indeed, there are definitely more advantages than not when trying to get hotel jobs Ireland.
With this in mind, we’ve decided to make a CV template for you. You can download it here.
Similarly, we have covered what it’s like to move to a different country for work and you can check it here.
However, if you need us for anything else, contact us here.
We hope your job hunt is as fruitful as possible.